Synopsis Dragon Ball is a multimedia franchise that spawned from a Japanese manga series created by Akira Toriyama Weekly Shonen Jump serialized the manga written and illustrated by Toriyama from 1984 to 1995 The original story follows the adventure of the monkeytailed lead protagonist Son Goku as he and his friends search for the seven orbs known as the Dragon Balls Dragon Ball Super Broly delivers in terms of awesome action, but more than that, it uses the fathers of Goku, Vegeta, and Broly to link back to the late1980s and early1990s heyday of the series to add a relatable and thoughtful subtext It's a humorous movie that bounds into the world of imagination and is gripping to the endMovie and TV news, trailers, etc Starting Over Isn't Easy In The Dexter New Blood Trailer The upcoming Dexter revival got a snazzy new title along with its snazzy new trailer
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